Monday, April 30, 2012

lost my funny

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I think it's gone. Sure feels like it.  I used to post funny stuff.  At least, I thought it was funny, and it made me laugh when I read my own writing, which is really what counts.

But so, I had kids and I became... less funny. To me, at least.  I started posting about my kids, and craftiness, and fit-i-ness.

And I started reading other peoples' blogs and find myself feeling inadequate, because everyone else is so awesome! And Funny!

And then I started reading Seriously, So Blessed, a totally funny spoof on Mormon mommy blogs (I lurvs me some Mormon mommy blogs.  I almost feel like we're cousins!)  Sure, I know there's been no new material added for more than a year, but seriously, so funny. And I feel better about bloggy mommy wars, and being not so funny all the time.


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