Wednesday, January 25, 2012

moving... faster

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The day is quickly approaching when we will load all our worldly belongings into a moving truck and quit living in Misery to become Ill-Annoying.

We have a very busy week and a half before us.

We will be in our new home in 10 days.  We will be getting the moving truck in 9 days.  We will have all of our boxes packed in 7 days. We will have lots of packing for several days. Jude will leave in one day for a church event, and be gone for several days. 

Just a month ago, I was aware of an up coming move. When we signed the lease, I knew we had work before us, and we started in on it. Once we hit the two weeks to move mark, everything started moving much faster. I am confident that we can have everything ready to go, but it certainly means I must adhere to my schedule, especially when Jude is gone.  Adelle is not cooperating, in that she has suddenly decided that her favorite place is nursing, and her second favorite place is napping in arms.  I have no doubt that it's specifically because I've gotten busier with sorting, packing, and rehoming items.

In almost everything I do, I'm thinking about how it is one of the last (if not the last) times that I'll be doing that task or activity.  I'm remembering how this is the house where I have been raising my 3 children, where I have birthed two of them.  I've spent almost my entire married life living in this house. So, one chapter closes, another one begins.

I am incredibly grateful that we'll have a crew of family and friends to help us out.  I'm am hopeful that the weather will be kind and generous on the two days when we are moving our stuff.

We've decided not to take the computer desk I have used for years.  It's kind of falling apart, and it has far too much surface area for me to pile things on.  So, I'll be looking for a new desk once we get to the great white north, which means I will be without my computer for some time.  I'll still be on the internet, though - I mean hey, that's what Jude's iPad is for, right?


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