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This photo is entirely unrelated to this post. It is, however, a cute photo of E in front of a very tall pile of leaves her uncle made. |
Yesterday was my last "big" trip (probably) with just me and 2 kids. We drove to a larger town about 45 minutes from here to do some shopping.
We returned shingles.
We went to Kohl's to find a new diaper bag since my other two are officially broken more than I can fix (no luck - mine doesn't carry any baby items other than baby clothes?!) and picked up a couple of newborn sized outfits. I can't keep myself from shopping for something new for baby, apparently. It would be my luck that I have another 8+ pound baby that won't fit newborn sized clothes.
We went to Panera for lunch (yum!) and got some pumpkin-shaped cookies for the ride home.
We went to Hobby Lobby to buy MORE supplies for MORE projects that I have sitting around waiting to be finished. I discovered I forgot to get the spray adhesive, and that I forgot to measure the layout for another project, so I couldn't get the frame (on sale for half off!) that I meant to get. Oh well. It will wait for another year. Both kids were whining and wanting to fall asleep.
We went to the "school store" to stock up on more workbooks for E, since she's plowing through them, and I'll need *something* to help get us through those first few weeks after baby. The kids played with the thomas train table set, and were sad to leave. The ladies at the store were impressed with their behavior, and said I must be doing something right. Made this mama feel good.
Lastly, we hit the grocery store, since they carry some things my local store doesn't. Now I'm stocked up. If anyone eats my strawberry yogurt before this baby shows up, I'll be very, very sad. I may have to hide one container somewhere in the fridge.
I'm not expecting to make any other day-long shopping adventures. Maybe if Jude goes along, but I'm thinking we'll be sticking pretty close to home for the next several weeks. Good thing I can shop on the internet!
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