Elizabeth wanted a doll cake. A Sleeping Beauty cake. Why? Just because.
She said we needed to sing happy birthday. I told her that I didn't know any one who had a birthday today. She said to sing for her birthday. I suggested that we should sing for May birthdays. She thought that was acceptable.
So, to all you who have birthdays this May, Happy Birthday! From Sleeping Beauty!
Elizabeth insisted on pink. I insisted on at least one other color, and she thought white was okay. She helped put the swirly white stuff on. They rest is all my mess. The frosting was a nice Swiss Meringue Buttercream. I tried a different recipe for Nathanael's birthday, but it was way too buttery. I felt like I was eating a stick of sweet butter with food coloring. Not this one. This one was much fluffier, less buttery, and mildly sweet. Much better than the canned stuff, or the powdered sugar American buttercream. Jude approved.
Honestly, I'm not much of a cake decorator. Not like some people who make fabulous cakes the first time they try one. Definitely not me. But, at least my cakes don't fall into the category of Cake Wrecks. At least, I hope not.
Now perhaps the more important question: What am I going to do with all that cake?
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