Thursday, March 27, 2008

death and taxes

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Today is tax day for us. We have our appointment set up with the Tax Lady, and hopefully, we have all of our paperwork gathered together. One major change for us this year is having a child. Our little tax deduction.

In some ways, I wish we would go back to doing our own taxes. I kind of like the experience of going through all the numbers, and calculating all the little forms and worksheets that go along with it. (Yup - I'm a dork.) We do that for the most part, anyway, just to get a rough feel for where we stand before we even take things in to the Tax Lady. So why, one might ask, do we even go to a tax person if we pretty much do it ourselves? Because it's been worth the money to have someone else fill out some of the forms like the depreciation form, or the one for figuring out annualized income (or something like that). Since the Tax Lady figured out some things we'd missed that noticeably reduced our tax bill, we keep on going back.

After we've gone to the appointment today, no doubt we'll come home crying a sad tale over the tax bill. Well, maybe not crying. It's not like we haven't done this before and don't know what to expect. It's taxes. One of the few things in life you can count on. That's just the way it is when you're self-employed. You can't escape your taxes.

To update: We just got back. I was right. I'm now sobbing in anticipation of the check we'll be writing some time next week. Oh well. At least I know I'm paying for nice things like... uh... my brother's Army pay, some road work grants, and my social security. Oh wait. I'm not paying for my own social security. I'm paying for your grandma's social security! But that's a whole other issue...


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