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Now that fall feels like it's in full swing, I can get back to my artful ways. I've been looking at the gray skies over the fields drying for harvest, and seeing watercolor paintings in my head. My dad, the master artist, was right. I haven't even done a watercolor since april or so.
It's interesting how cycles of activity seem to take up all the extra time in a given season. Summers have always been full of church activities - meetings, planning times, reunions, summer camps, de-briefing from summer camps, and planning of transition from summer camp to the first youth retreat of the school year.
Now that wave is over, and I feel as if I have some breathing room to do other things. I'm home this week, as I was last week. However, since this is the week After the first youth retreat of the school year, I feel as if I have all kinds of time on my hands. So, last evening, I hauled out my sewing machine to finish a project I started sometime earlier this year. It's not quite done, but I think by the weekend it will be.
I feel a bit like I'm returning to myself.